What the heck was Spin thinking calling The Airborne Toxic Event "a blend of Brit rock sensibility and SoCal energy"?

3:39 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
"A blend of Brit rock sensibility and Southern California energy, the Airborne Toxic Event is what would happen if Morrissey and Franz Ferdinand shared a summer home." - Spin.com

In my opinion, the "Spin Staff" who wrote this didn't stay long enough to actually hear the rest of the songs in The Airborne Toxic Effect's first full length album. Admittedly, Does This Mean You're Movin' On? and Gasoline are catchy and on occasion, may make you want to get up and dance - or sway, more like. But truthfully, there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about this band - if you can call them that. Their sound is familiar, reminding me of some forgotten 90s band, and their music is dull and numbing. Their songs, most of which literally sound the same, do not evoke any kind of emotion and bear no trace of "Brit rock sensibility" or "Southern California energy" at all. How dare them insult the likes of Franz Ferdinand and the Beach Boys?! Hopefully, they don't stay on stage in the Coachella Festival long enough to actually bore people to death. This is music for pansies.

Here and back again...

1:34 PM Posted In , , Edit This 3 Comments »
My classes were over three weeks ago, thank God. But I've been so horribly busy studying for the major, major, major! exam and reviewing for the NCLEX that I haven't had time to actually do some posts. On the brighter side, I did catch up on the latest movie and album releases as I cannot, for the life of me, learn anything without the tv or my iPod on. Consider them my "visual and audio aids". I need noise to study, silence distracts me. Although, Ralph Fiennes' big "rich old man" belly in The Duchess has proved to be a distraction also...

Well actually, beyond the level of annoyance, more like.

Here are some other photos from our Getty Museum trip...