Here and back again...

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My classes were over three weeks ago, thank God. But I've been so horribly busy studying for the major, major, major! exam and reviewing for the NCLEX that I haven't had time to actually do some posts. On the brighter side, I did catch up on the latest movie and album releases as I cannot, for the life of me, learn anything without the tv or my iPod on. Consider them my "visual and audio aids". I need noise to study, silence distracts me. Although, Ralph Fiennes' big "rich old man" belly in The Duchess has proved to be a distraction also...

Well actually, beyond the level of annoyance, more like.

Here are some other photos from our Getty Museum trip...


Sasi said...

Hey, thanks for your comment. I'd love to exchange links with you:) You'll be soon on my list!

I really like the dresses you're wearing in the pics. And it sounds like you had a good time!

yaergjcj said...
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jessica ann said...

that dress is fabulous!