A Lavender Veteran

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It's Veteran's Day and we all know what that means - the Macy's Veteran's Day Sale! Unfortunately, since right now, I am in that situation where I don't have the convenience to shop, I'm at home trying my hand at sewing, watching the NCIS marathon on USA and stuffing my face with hot cheetos.

It's painful, I know. My only comfort is that my unemployment won't last very long. Four months and counting...

So I found this lavender dress buried in a pile of my old clothes. I bought it two years ago in downtown Charleston when I was living there but I've never worn it since it was too long.

I remembered being so in love this color back in high school. I was all about lavender: lavender bag, lavender pens, lavender dresses, contact lenses with the hint of lavender shade... It's very soothing, I think, like calamine and it's very easy on the eyes. I couldn't remember when it stopped being my favorite color but I've never stopped liking it.

Anyways, the dress had a uniquely intricate and bohemian design, therefore a potential. It was still really long for my taste, however, so i cut it short and wore it with black tights from HUE (really great quality tights and leggings), a pair of black mary janes, and a charm necklace also from a couple of years ago.


Irene said...

i love the outfit!