
10:33 AM Posted In , , , , Edit This 3 Comments »

Cardigan from H&M, plaid dress from Renei, gray tights from H&M, blue satin bow bobby pins from Forever21
I got my pink Chuck Taylors from three years ago in San Francisco
Photos by Lia


Anonymous said...

haha look who's taken my advise?! nice cons :-)

Michelle said...

i was wearing chucks with dresses before you actually showed me the kristen stewart picture... it's not just her doing that, see... you'll see it in a lot of street style blogs, most of which i follow... hehehe... anyways, i first started doing it when i saw alexa chung wearing a black dress and white low top chucks at a festival from two years ago... i mean, alexa, she's ms. superior and all but you gotta love her style...

Irene said...

luv the dress and the chucks and the ribbon pin and the tights and the hair and the plants all of it!