Spending my time off not reading school stuff but equally important, catching up on movies I have missed

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  1. Wanted (James McAvoy's blue eyes are dreamy! Loved him in Wimbledon, loved him in Narnia, loved him in Atonement!)
  2. Pineapple Express (fuckin' hilarious)
  3. City By The Sea (James Franco 'nuf reason for ya?)
  4. Man On Wire (very interesting)
  5. Mamma Mia (love the soundtrack and Greece)
  6. Sisterhood of Traveling Pants 2 (again, love Greece)
  7. Little Miss Sunshine (adorable)
  8. Tropic Thunder (practically made me wet my pants!!)

Up next....

  1. LOTR movies (a refresher course)
  2. The Reader
  3. The Constant Gardener (never did get to finish this movie)
  4. Schindler's List (my parents refused to let me watch it when it came out and I never got around to doing it now that I can)
  5. Life As A House (i dunno why....)
  6. Jellyfish (heard great reviews)
  7. Slumdog Millionaire (Golden Globe Best Motion Picture... well, duh)


Irene said...

isnt tropic thunder like the funniest thing ever!!!!sick dude!

Irene said...

uhm not too sure about mamma mia... sorry