Klimie's Gift

1:41 PM Posted In , , , , Edit This 1 Comment »
Sorry for my dear sweet cousin, Klimie, who I apparently forgot to put on my Christmas list and who apparently noticed the absence of her name. I'd like to give her what she wants most right now - that would be Edward from Twilight - but they haven't discovered that kind of magic that brings book characters to life and make them fall in love with you yet and she has tons of clothes already (she shops on her lunch breaks!) so I really don't know what to get her. Maybe if she takes a week off work and flies to LA from London to visit me, her favorite cousin, then she can pick out the gift herself. Hint hint!

Neutral Colors

1:30 PM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 2 Comments »

Renei of Gray Veins, who is of course my "personal shopper and stylist", got me this cute gray mini skirt and the black shirt. I'm usually a color person but recently I've been wearing lots of neutral colors. I've grown fond grays which is weird coz I never really used to own anything gray.

Thoughts of Looming Late Twenties

12:45 PM Posted In , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

So there I am, donning my favorite gray cardi and my new plaid shirt which my bestfriend gave me, and as usual, my mind is brimming with thoughts about things that could never be. Soon enough, my mom rudely pulls me out of my happy land and asks me if I wanted a party for my coming birthday. I stop, not knowing what to say.

The truth is that it completely slipped out of my mind that I'm having my birthday in a few days. I haven't even really thought about how I wanted to spend it. I guess it is true that as you get older, you are less inclined to get excited about the day you officially get a year older.

I never really thought I would become one of those women who worry about their age. My previous stance was to never worry about the prospect of getting old. Yet here I am, grappling with the fact that I am about to be 26, career-less still and with tons of unfinished lists in my hands - booklist, music list, travel list, list of languages I want to learn, list of things I want to do.

At this rate, I'm beginning to think I'm completely incapable of making something of myself. It's like I'm waiting to be some place wonderful so I can finally start my life when the fact is that my life had already started and I had horribly put up a wall against it. As a rule of life, it's a trap that many people fall into. Though, again, I never thought I'd be one of them.

I am a bit rattled. I think it is high time for me to stop dreaming of sweeping oceans and start sailing them instead.


9:41 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm listening to folk music right now and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and longing for some small town tranquility and romanticism. Nobody loves big cities more than I do but they can get a little exhausting to live in at times. How I'd give anything just to see the red and gold of New England right now. I miss autumn in New England. It calms me down. It's like folk music. If there's one thing I love about USA, it is its good ol' contemporary folk rock music. Ooh I can listen to Ryan Adams, Jeff Buckley, Elliot Smith and Josh Ritter all day. There's something about their music that relaxes me and makes me want to stop and smell the scent of the earth (although, admittedly, that sounds weird).

If you'd like to listen to some great music, check out the soundtrack from House, M.D. (the tv show with Hugh Laurie as House). It features some really cool stuff.

Gilt Groupe Sample Sales

9:16 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Marc By Marc Jacobs Sample Sale is tomorrow, December 18 at 12pm EST.

Renei's A Genius

8:21 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 1 Comment »

My bestest bestfriend Renei bought me this plaid dress. She is a genius! I am in love! This dress is soooo me. I especially love the big ribbon on its side. I think this is the first time I've worn these t-strap pumps I got from 2 years ago.

Note: Please do not pay attention to my mom's messy closet.

Guitar Hero!!!

8:03 AM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »

We finally got our Guitar Hero World Tour last Sunday! So happy! I figured since my wonderful friend Ken, who promised to teach me how to play the drums, is not about to make good of his promise anytime soon; I'll just practice with Guitar Hero. It's not the real deal but it'll do for now until I can afford such lessons.

9 More Days To Go...

4:51 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This 1 Comment »

On my way to Best Buy with mom and Joey to get Guitar Hero World Tour

It's the holidays. I can actually see and feel it now - from the houses adorned with Christmas lights and decors and the cold weather we are having here in LA (Finally! Overdue much?) to the excited chatter of kids talking about what they think they're getting from Santa come Christmas morning and the amount of cash the adults are practically throwing out to shops for gifts. 9 more days to go... and I haven't even done my Christmas shopping yet!
Here's the stuff I still need to buy:
  1. Toys for Joey
  2. iPod Touch for Renei
  3. a cute something for Lia (Put it this way... I'll know when I see it!)
  4. another cute something for Sara
  5. Christmas cards

Hmm... not bad. I can get those in one day.

Going Vintage

3:13 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 1 Comment »
Friday was my mom's company's Christmas party and I was having a case of nostalgia so I decided to put together something vintage-looking.

I got this pretty 70s skirt from Francesca a.k.a ThirteenEightyFive, who sells wonderful stuff on Etsy.com. Sooo crazy about it!

Flower headband from Icing By Claire's, mint green vintage-looking top borrowed from Lia,
cotton tights from Forever 21, baby dolls from ebay.com (i think)

Flower headband from Icing By Claire's, pink cardigan from Pink Ice,
belt stolen from my mom's closet, bag from H&M, cotton tights from Forever 21,
baby dolls from ebay.com (i think)

Martinis and Tequilas All Around

1:45 PM Posted In , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Last week had been full of final exams to pass and school projects to submit; very, very hectic. On top of that, I had two early Christmas parties I need to attend. And while I'm not one to pass on free drinks (which, of course, I didn't), I think my brain is quite dehydrated from all the liquor and cigarettes I had consumed. I know for sure that I had been for the past six days, mental even. So you really cannot blame me for going to Thursday's party channeling Madonna during her Like A Virgin days. But whatever. I still liked my outfit.

Flower headband from Icing By Claire's, Monday necklace from my cousin Kala, beads from the Philippines, black party dress from H&M,
knee high tights from Target, black pumps (not pictured) from Charlotte Russe

I seem to have formed some sort of attachment to this paper plate. Wierd.

Going Out to Shop

1:36 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Blue top from Old Navy 2 years ago; Monday charm necklace from my cousin Kala in London;
beads for the Philippines; skirt from a shop in Charleston, SC; tights from H&M; t-strap pumps from Ebay.

Short, Random Thoughts on Twilight and Rob Pattinson

6:57 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 1 Comment »
The Twilight movie does get better the second time around.... It's less uncomfortable the second time you watch it, I think. I guess the first time I saw it, I kept wanting to give Robert Pattinson some acting classes. Not that his lack of acting ability changes how adorable, charming and endearing he is. Let's face it. The man cannot transform himself into the Edward we all know, love and worship for the life of him but he does have the power to make us smile when he smiles, laugh when he laughs and melt whenever he does that hair combing thing with his hand. My, my, my. I think we are all doomed to waste away longing for this man.

Bringing Back the Classics

10:31 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
This week has not been very productive for me. I've been lazier than usual since I came back from San Francisco, actually.

I have been watching a few classical movies lately on TCM On Demand, which we may consider a part of my unending self-education:
  • Wuthering Heights (1970, Timothy Dalton and Anna Calder-Marshall)
  • Roberta (1935, Irene Dunne and Fred Astaire)
  • The Bishop's Wife (1947, Cary Grant)

Dreaming of Wuthering Heights

9:14 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Wuthering Heights, First Edition. Title Page. Photo from Wikipedia.org.

Though I didn’t really completely understood Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights the first time I read it, its first few pages which I can only describe as ghastly and the passionate yet turbulent relationship between Catherine and Healthcliff, which is much like the raging winds of Northern England, had ignited my fascination for the dark, the dreary, and the heavy drama enough to have me reading the book over and over again for years. It had since become one of my favorite books.

Moors of Northern England. Photos from wikipedia.org.

Since reading this and Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden, I would - from time to time - find my thoughts wandering off to the moors of Yorkshire where I would roam alone for hours, with only my thoughts to keep me company. As Mr. Lockwood would put it, "In all of England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society." It's funny how a place like this could be so miserable, cold, and harsh to most people yet so appealing to me. Not that I'm a loner or even a misanthropist. I just value peace and serenity. Living in big cities for most of your life does that to you, I guess.

I just recently saw the 1970 film adaptation of the book, with Timothy Dalton playing Healthcliff (yum!!) and Anna Calder-Marshall as Catherine. I was disappointed that it excluded the story of their children, which I think is a very important part of the story. It was a fairly good movie, however, and it brought me back to my fantasies of running wild in the moors, not having to worry about time and people and well, life...