Martinis and Tequilas All Around

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Last week had been full of final exams to pass and school projects to submit; very, very hectic. On top of that, I had two early Christmas parties I need to attend. And while I'm not one to pass on free drinks (which, of course, I didn't), I think my brain is quite dehydrated from all the liquor and cigarettes I had consumed. I know for sure that I had been for the past six days, mental even. So you really cannot blame me for going to Thursday's party channeling Madonna during her Like A Virgin days. But whatever. I still liked my outfit.

Flower headband from Icing By Claire's, Monday necklace from my cousin Kala, beads from the Philippines, black party dress from H&M,
knee high tights from Target, black pumps (not pictured) from Charlotte Russe

I seem to have formed some sort of attachment to this paper plate. Wierd.