Short, Random Thoughts on Twilight and Rob Pattinson

6:57 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 1 Comment »
The Twilight movie does get better the second time around.... It's less uncomfortable the second time you watch it, I think. I guess the first time I saw it, I kept wanting to give Robert Pattinson some acting classes. Not that his lack of acting ability changes how adorable, charming and endearing he is. Let's face it. The man cannot transform himself into the Edward we all know, love and worship for the life of him but he does have the power to make us smile when he smiles, laugh when he laughs and melt whenever he does that hair combing thing with his hand. My, my, my. I think we are all doomed to waste away longing for this man.


Anonymous said...

biatch!!!! why is my Edward's pic on your page woman????!!!! lols I'm in hehe