9 More Days To Go...

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On my way to Best Buy with mom and Joey to get Guitar Hero World Tour

It's the holidays. I can actually see and feel it now - from the houses adorned with Christmas lights and decors and the cold weather we are having here in LA (Finally! Overdue much?) to the excited chatter of kids talking about what they think they're getting from Santa come Christmas morning and the amount of cash the adults are practically throwing out to shops for gifts. 9 more days to go... and I haven't even done my Christmas shopping yet!
Here's the stuff I still need to buy:
  1. Toys for Joey
  2. iPod Touch for Renei
  3. a cute something for Lia (Put it this way... I'll know when I see it!)
  4. another cute something for Sara
  5. Christmas cards

Hmm... not bad. I can get those in one day.


Anonymous said...

and what about mine??