
9:41 PM Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm listening to folk music right now and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and longing for some small town tranquility and romanticism. Nobody loves big cities more than I do but they can get a little exhausting to live in at times. How I'd give anything just to see the red and gold of New England right now. I miss autumn in New England. It calms me down. It's like folk music. If there's one thing I love about USA, it is its good ol' contemporary folk rock music. Ooh I can listen to Ryan Adams, Jeff Buckley, Elliot Smith and Josh Ritter all day. There's something about their music that relaxes me and makes me want to stop and smell the scent of the earth (although, admittedly, that sounds weird).

If you'd like to listen to some great music, check out the soundtrack from House, M.D. (the tv show with Hugh Laurie as House). It features some really cool stuff.