Going Vintage

3:13 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 1 Comment »
Friday was my mom's company's Christmas party and I was having a case of nostalgia so I decided to put together something vintage-looking.

I got this pretty 70s skirt from Francesca a.k.a ThirteenEightyFive, who sells wonderful stuff on Etsy.com. Sooo crazy about it!

Flower headband from Icing By Claire's, mint green vintage-looking top borrowed from Lia,
cotton tights from Forever 21, baby dolls from ebay.com (i think)

Flower headband from Icing By Claire's, pink cardigan from Pink Ice,
belt stolen from my mom's closet, bag from H&M, cotton tights from Forever 21,
baby dolls from ebay.com (i think)


Irene said...

oh my god i love your outfits here
looking all vintage and very classy i must say